Monday, June 21, 2010

Potty training abandoned 6 week old pup?

I adopted a 6 week old pup from my vet. the pup and his littermates were abandoned monoday (wednesday now). the puppy goes pee alot and poo. i have only one effective method i know of. the rub and pop their but. im afraid since Buddy has been through a hard life he will be less trusting and if i pop him hell shy. he is 3 pounds so he can't take much. he is almost crate trained except at night. he has accidents. he knows he supposed to go outside. i have potty ppads. i don't want to box train him and he won't use his pads. any suggestions. i don't know how big he'll get. hes white fuzzy with black raindrop shaped markings around his eyes. he also has a brother Panda. he has the same problems but my brother just has him in his crate all day. unfair but they want to save their carpet. Thanks.

Leah %26 Buddy %26#123;:)%26#125;

Potty training abandoned 6 week old pup?matchless

You should not rub his nose in it. It will make him afraid of you. You need to take him outside every 15 to 30 minutes and when he pottys for you make a sound like zip or clap your hands something that will let him know he did well and offer a SMALL treat. Do this often soon he will realize that this is the behavior you are looking for it is called positive behavior modification. You can use this same behavior modification to teach him to set stay come or do any number of tricks. Most people do it with a clicker but you must not have one so for now a hand clap or a zip sound will have to work. Crate training at night is perfect but do not use that as punishment. If you do not catch him in action just clean up the mess and take him out. If you catch him in action try to stop him in mid flow or mid pooh and take him outside right away. If you take him to the same spot all the time that is where he will always go so you will not have to search around for his pooh. Just take a bag with you and clean up is a snap.

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