Monday, June 21, 2010

Can you match the order of mammals with the member of its species?

A. Carnivores

B. Even-toed Hooves

C. Insectivores

D. Marsupials

E. Momotremes

F. Odd-toed Hooves

G. Primates

H. Rodents

I. Edentates

J. Pangolins

1. Moles

2. Beavers

3. Pandas

4. Tamarins

5. Pigs

6. Possums

7. Armadillos

8. Horses

9. Echidnas

10. Scaly Anteater

Can you match the order of mammals with the member of its species?free spyware

A. Carnivore- 3. Panda (bad example, but technically true- the Lesser or Red panda IS a meat eater.)

B. Even toe- 5. Pigs

C. Insectivore- 1. Mole

D. Marsupial- 6. Possum

E. Monotreme- 9. Echidnas

F. Odd-toes- 8. Horses

G. Primates- 4. Tamarins

H. Rodents- 2. Beavers

I. Edentates- 7. Armadillos

J. Pagolins- 10. Scaly Anteater

Can you match the order of mammals with the member of its species?live update

Yes, I can. Can you?
Okay, the last guy is right, but TECHNICALLY SPEAKING.....

Moles are in the ORDER Insectivora

Beavers are in the ORDER Rodentia

Pandas are in the ORDER Carnivora

Tamarins are in the ORDER Primates

Pigs are not in an order called Even toed, they are in an ORDER called ARTIODACTYLA

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