Thursday, October 8, 2009

Did the great flood actually happen or is it a myth?

Because, wouldn't all the stuff about Big Adam and Eve, Holy Moses, Abe and Ike and all the earlier myths have been destroyed?

Was the 10 commandments on the boat too?

Did he get all species of animals?

You know like the Asian Elephant and the African Grey Elephant??

The White Tiger, Bengal Tiger, and the Siberian Tiger?

The Red Panda anf the Black Panda?

And if he only got 2 of each why did he kill one of each to thank Ole God for not killing him??

I mean why would a burnt chipmunk be of any use to Jehova hany how?

Did the great flood actually happen or is it a myth?hijack this

No. There isn't the slightest scrap of evidence that a worldwide flood occurred. Nor is there any possible physical way to construct a wooden vessel the size described by the Bible without it cracking apart under its own mass in the water. Nor is there any reaonably possible way for such a vessel to be ventilated by a single tiny window. Or even have enough for two--or seven--of every species in the world. Or an even remotely believeable method for a handful of people to actually be able to take care of all the animals aboard the Ark for nearly a year.

Not to mention the many ancient civilizations like the Chinese and the Summerians who somehow managed to keep right of going and not even notice their own desrtruction.

The more you look closely at the tale, the more "Godmagic" you have to invoke in your effort to explain away the real-world problems of the story. Since there's no such thing as magic, it's safe to chaulk the entire story as fiction. A secondary creationist tale.

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